Monday, December 9, 2013


Before I begin, I will come right out and say that I consider this more of an outlet for my rambles and a "fix" for this odd compulsion to write about inane topics at 3 am. I have this inkling that many of the topics will have some distant and disjointed relation to "existing" and this odd notion of "daring" more in my life. Nothing more and nothing less.  I will leave the weightier topics of the world to the many experts and activists you may find in other blogs as well as on Twitter  and on the comments section of YouTube.

That being said, I feel I ought to point out that I consider myself a Christian, a woman and a Kentuckian.  I do not pretend to be "what a Christian/woman/Kentuckian is"- whatever that means, only that these are the only three labels that have stuck. I feel the need to point this out because these definitions are an essential part of my core being that I have not been able to shake no matter how hard I may have struggled with them (and I assure you, I have struggled with all of them at one point or another).  Every aspect of my life and views are tinted with these three colorings and so I ask you to bear that in mind as you read. 

I don't want this to be considered a "church" blog or, even worse, a "religious" blog which has come to mean something dirty in our society- merited or not.  I am neither educated nor wise enough to defend something as ethereal a force as my faith in God.  As far as Kentucky goes, its the place I call home.  You have heard rumors and I will leave it to your own discretion on whether or not they are true. On the topic of being a woman, I will say that I am not a feminist.  Feminists either hate me or laugh at me or both; but I am not this woman either:

Nope... I am definitely not this woman.

All-in-all, I don't claim to speak for anyone, save myself. I will more likely, in my supernatural ability to word something trivial in the most offensive way possible, end up offending at least one person. I assure you that it will be innocently and no harm is meant.

Consider this your one and final warning before you read any further.  If I have not already scared you away, I implore you to read on and make ample use of the comments section. 

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